Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

INRIA Associate Teams

  • Title: Routing in Intermittently Connected Wireless Networks

  • INRIA principal investigator: Philippe Jacquet

  • International Partner:

    • Institution: Macquarie University (Australia)

    • Laboratory: Department of Computing

  • Duration: 2009 - 2011

  • See also: http://hipercom.inria.fr/RSFCI/home.html

  • We study the problem of routing in intermittently connected wireless networks. In such networks information remains blocked in a connected component as long as the node motion allows to jump into or form a new connected component. This kind of networks are often alternatively refered as Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTN) and is the focuse of many research efforts worldwide (DARPA, IETF). Our main objective is to specify efficients routing algorithms in delivery time, energy and overhead that allow to forward piece of information or packets toward a distant destination in a remote connected component currently out of reach. Our common studies range from theory to proactice: we focus as well on fundamental issues such as the information propagation speed determination to the specification of a routing algorithm and protocol that approaches this theoretical performances.

Participation In International Programs

  • Title: Auto-adaptativity of a wireless sensor network with mobile agents : toward a green sensor network.

  • INRIA principal investigator: Pascale Minet

  • International Partner:

    • Institution: ENSI (Tunisia)

    • Laboratory: CRISTAL

    • Team leader: Leila Saidane

  • Duration: 2009 - 2011

  • Abstract: This project aims to design algorithms and protocols for wireless sensors and mobile agents able to meet application requirements and provide the best performances in the considered environment. To achieve that, a cross-layering approach is considered. The network layer may use the information generated by any other higher or lower layer in the purpose of a better adaptivity to the application or the environment considered. Furthermore, since wireless sensor networks deployment is growing more and more, it is judicious to reduce their ecological impact starting with their design. This project focuses on strategies to improve energy efficiency.